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White Outline
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Expunged is an antagonistic 3D Entity and the driving force behind major events in the storyline. It appears bearing different forms across the secret songs Cheating, Unfairness, and Exploitation.


Expunged is a jarringly 3D character with an undefined appearance and identity, often stealing parts of itself from the files. She takes on three distinct appearances, one for each song she features in. Each form is constructed entirely of primitive 3D shapes with an expressive 2D plane for a face.

In Cheating, they are shown to resemble a 3D variation of Bambi, wearing the same outfit shown in Splitathon: a round green hat, red shirt, and blue pants. Their face is mostly neutral in expression, eyes colored with white irises and black pupils that are never shown to blink. Various poses show a smile lacking any teeth with a white tongue. He completely lacks arms in this form.

In Unfairness, while still resembling Bambi, it strays further from the source. Their entire outfit becomes a crimson red, a point juts out from the top of their black rimmed hat. This form has hands (unlike the previous one) covered by black mittens. She has a strikingly manic expression, a wide smile exposing sharp teeth and unblinking eyes with white pupils. The same white tongue can be seen briefly in a few frames.

In Exploitation, the body morphs into a slimmer and taller shape much closer resembling Dave. Four limbs are formed from two black cone shapes, hands and feet made of simple red spheres and capsules, and a red witch's hat sits on his head. Their skin is now an off-black color, a single reptilian eye is printed directly onto the right of its face with two thin black 2D eyebrows. Their mouth is a 2D plane separate from the body, lacking a tongue and lined with triangular teeth. She retains the same manic smile through each pose.