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Bambi Bambi Bambi, simply known as Bambi in the mod, is a main character in Dave and Bambi. He appears in the songs Blocked, Corn Theft, Maze, Splitathon, Shredder, Mealie, and Indignancy, and also appears in the background of the entire Festival week.


Bambi is a humanoid with proportions similar to an Among Us, having a body shaped like one, in addition to floating hands, but with a head ontop. He has two semicircles for eyes, with black pupils, and he smiles in his sprites. His eyebrows are over his hat, which is dark green and floppy. He wears a red shirt, covered partially by blue overralls, with the button and pocket of them looking like a sad face emoticon, specifically the :[ one. His skeleton, which is seen in some of his sprites, have just a single bone, again similar to an Among Us.

In some of his alt sprites, he holds a phone, which is a dark gray cube with a blue screen. When he touches the screen of the phone, it flashes white very briefly. He also smashes the phone, and throws the phone, in some of his alt sprites.

In Splitathon, he is missing the overalls, just wearing his red shirt, and some blue pants. He also looks angry, and waves his hands back and forth around himself.

In Shredder, he is back to his normal look, but now possesses a red and white electric guitar. He plays it as well, in that song.

In Mealie and Indignancy, he has a very angry expression, with white irises around his black pupils, and an angry face, with him gritting his teeth and furrowing his brows. In his hand he holds a broken phone, with a black screen and many cracks.

If Recursed, if he is chosen as the playable character and fails enough notes, his hat and shirt turn white, and his clothes turn a dark gray.

In a lore only form, Bambi turns completely red, and loses his head, literally. His head turns invisible, besides his eyes and hat, which are also red.


Bambi is short-tempered and rather impulsive at times, seen in him just barging in to sing a song with Dave, being Splitathon. He tends to go with the first conclusion he thinks of, even if it is not wise or even stupid. He's rather stubborn, too.

He calms down from being angry rather quickly, however. If he starts to lose in an argument or a battle, he tends to not want to continue anymore, being a a defeatist, telling Boyfriend and Girlfriend to go away.

Bambi is described as able to make friends with anyone, if he's given the chance,, and this is shown as he befriends Boyfriend and Girlfriend and then invites them to his festival.

He likes to be included in things, shown again in Splitathon.

Bambi is best friends with Dave, having met him attempting to steal corn from a corn maze, though some may describe their relationship as one-sided, with Bambi taking more from Dave than Bambi giving back to Dave. He likes to teleport to visit Dave, because Dave lives so far away from him. Dave likes to give him bricks painted as phones which he somehow turns into real, functional, phones. The two of them sing Splitathon together, in addition to Dave visiting him over the course of his week, and of course him inviting Dave and the others to his festival.

Bambi is friends with Dave's son, Tristan, though over the course of their seen interactions Bambi yells at him for playing with his phone without permission. Tristan then gets scolded for calling the cops. That is the end of their canon interactions.

Bambi is possibly friends with Boyfriend and Girlfriend, with him learning to like them over the course of his week, and then later inviting them to his festival. Boyfriend saves the festival by helping Dave turn back to being 2D.


  • Bambi stole Zardy's farm from him. He wrote his name over Zardy's. The whereabouts of Zardy are unknown, but it was stated that Bambi would throw a phone at him if he ever saw him.
  • Bambi's favorite Wii Game is Wii Sports.
  • Bambi's favorite Wii Sports game is Bowling.
  • Bambi goes to corn mazes and steals corn from them. He also got his hat from a corn maze.
  • Bambi is a god, and has godlike powers. He is too stupid to realise this.
  • Bambi is able to make friends with everyone, if given the opportunity.
  • Bambi can get so angry that his head turns invisible, with only his eyes remaining, and his entire palette turns red. This form is a reference to Marcello's Funhouse, where he does that after the player collects the second notebook.
  • Whenever Bambi wants to visit Dave, he teleports to see him.
  • Bambi and Marcello (from Marcello's Funhouse) are not the same entity. Marcello is simply the inspiration for Bambi.
  • Bambi hates anime.
  • Bambi is two hotdogs tall.
  • Bambi is aromantic-asexual.
  • Bambi doesn't cry, normally.